For us, cleanliness starts
from within.

Think clean,
act clean,
talk clean!


Our Values

For Cosméticos Trujillo S.A. de C.V. it is crucial to foster ethical principles and a value-based corporate environment as pillars of our organizational culture, as elements that define our actions for the compliance of our business and sustainability strategy, as well as our projection for the future, all of this based in trust and accountability.

We advocate cleanliness in thought, word and action, seeking to generate trust towards all our stakeholders.

Reconocemos la igualdad, dignidad, diversidad individual, derechos fundamentales, intereses colectivos y la sostenibilidad de los recursos naturales e institucionales, impulsando la confianza como base para un trabajo integro y satisfactorio.

We contribute in voluntary and active way in the continuous improvement of social, economic and environmental matters, following ethical and moral principles, fulfilling our obligations and giving satisfactory continuity of the business.

With a collaborative spirit, a proactive attitude, a sense of belonging, and commitment with our work, we enjoy and believe in the company and its intrinsic value for society, thus impacting in the organisational governance and upgrading the quality of life of those who trust in “The Magic of Doing it Well”.